Sometimes I hear about the “right way to knit”.
Aargh. Is there really such a thing?
Imagine a scenario:
There you are, innocently knitting away, sitting on the (plane, train, subway, bus), or in the (waiting room, terminal, park, knitting store). And it happens. Someone says, “You’re (knitting, purling, holding the needles, holding the yarn), wrong.” This statement is usually followed up with additional helpful comments such as, “That’s not (how I do it, how I was taught, how my mom, grandma, aunt, did it).” We love those people. We have to love them, because they are our fellow humans. But, we don’t have to LIKE them!
Thoughts flash through our minds, some of them not so polite: “Who are you?” “Why are you speaking to me?” But, after all, this is knitting, and we share. And take turns. And be polite. Continue reading “The “Right” Way to Knit”